Stock market crash coming? Harry Dent makes grim predictions

9:12 AM ▪
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Luc Jose A.

The most massive financial bubble of our time is about to burst, warns Harry Dent, a renowned American economist. According to him, the stock market is currently inflated by over-accommodative monetary and fiscal policy, accumulated over more than a decade. The warning, given during a recent interview with Fox Business, highlights the potential risks of a stock market crash even more devastating than the one in 2008. At a time when the global economy appears to be running out of steam, Dent’s words call for increased vigilance and rigorous preparation.

Impending Stock Market Crash

Harry Dent’s Dark Warning

Harry Dent, a renowned economist, recently sounded the alarm about a potential massive correction in the financial markets.

In an interview with Fox Business, Dent voiced his concerns the bubble of all bubbles which he said could lead to a drastic drop in stock markets. ” It must explode. We need to see a collapse of around 40% to tell us that the bubble has finally deflated and once it gets going it will be hard to stop.. » Dent predicts a -86% drop for the S&P 500 and as much as -92% for the Nasdaq, with potentially even more severe losses for some tech companies like Nvidia, which is expected to drop -98%.

This situation, according to Dent, is the result of 14 years of extremely accommodative monetary and fiscal policy, which has inflated asset prices well beyond their true value. Unlike previous financial bubbles, which typically lasted five to six years, this one has been prolonged by continued stimulus measures since the 2008 recession. Historically low interest rates have also played a critical role in facilitating access to credit and fueling leverage, contributing to overvaluation. assets

Towards a crash worse than 2008?

According to Harry Dent, the consequences of the bursting of this bubble could be even more serious than the consequences of the financial crisis of 2008-2009. Dent describes the current situation as “ the second version of the tech bubble” referring to the bursting of the Internet bubble in the early 2000s He emphasizes that investors must prepare for a major crash and anticipate the strategies they will adopt in the stock market. ” We should expect a bigger drop than in 2008 and 2009“, he warned.

Dent explains that the current bubble is not only bigger but also more complex due to the increased interconnectedness of financial markets and the importance of technology assets in the global economy. ” The crisis in 2008 was mainly caused by the real estate bubble and risky mortgage lending practices. This time we are facing a more extensive bubble that includes not only the real estate but also the stock and bond markets“, he specified.

The speed and size of the decline could surprise many investors, especially those who have taken risky positions seeking high returns in a low interest rate environment, according to the economist. “Investors should prepare not only for a sharp decline in markets, but also for a longer period of volatility and uncertainty. The speed and depth of the fall could surprise many investors, especially those who have taken risky positions seeking high returns in a low-rate environment. »

In conclusion, in the face of Harry Dent’s warnings, it is imperative to take a proactive and diversified approach to managing the turbulence ahead. In this uncertain context, cryptocurrencies can represent an interesting solution for diversification and investment protection

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Luc Jose A. avatar

Luc Jose A.

A graduate of Sciences Po Toulouse and holder of the blockchain consultant certification issued by Alyra, I joined the Cointribune adventure in 2019. Convinced of the potential of blockchain to transform many sectors of the economy, I made a commitment to raise awareness and inform the general public about this ever-evolving ecosystem. My goal is to enable everyone to better understand blockchain and take advantage of the opportunities it offers. Every day I try to provide an objective analysis of current events, decipher market trends, convey the latest technological innovations and put into perspective the economic and social problems of this ongoing revolution.


The comments and opinions expressed in this article are solely those of the author and should not be considered investment advice. Before making any investment decision, do your own research.

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