Bitcoin: Trump wants US to seize remaining BTC

12:00 p.m
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Evans S.

In the context of Bitcoin continuing to take the world by storm, Donald Trump’s recent statement has caused a stir. At the Mar-a-Lago rally, Trump met with influential figures in Bitcoin mining and expressed his fervent support and ambition for the United States to take ownership of the last available BTC. A bold statement that could well affect the American political and economic scene.

Bitcoin USA

Trump Pledges to Bitcoin

Donald Trump, never short of sensational statements, recently voiced his support for the Bitcoin mining industry during a rally at Mar-a-Lago. He met with key figures in the industry and said that Bitcoin mining could be “the last line of defense against CBDC”.

In a message posted on Truth Social, his campaign emphasized the importance of producing all remaining bitcoins in the United States, claiming it would help the country achieve “energy dominance.”

Trump’s support of the Bitcoin mining industry is not without reason. It recognizes the key role miners play in stabilizing the nation’s energy grid.

Moreover, his crypto fortune, which is currently worth more than $33 million, proves his personal dedication to the technology. This stance could also increase his popularity with crypto voters and increase his chances of electoral success.

The reaction of the bitcoin industry

Trump’s announcement was welcomed by bitcoin industry leaders. David Bailey, CEO of Bitcoin Magazine, called the event a “historic moment” on the road to hyperbitcoinization.

He praised Trump’s commitment to championing the cause of bitcoin in Washington and on the global stage, saying the cryptocurrency will thrive in the United States with that support.

Other influencers, such as Cleanspark’s Brian Morgenstern, S. Matthew Schultz and Zach Bradford, shared positive reports about discussions with Trump.

They highlighted the positive impact of BTC mining on local communities and infrastructure development. This political support could strengthen their position and encourage more investment in the sector.

Political and economic implications

Trump’s stance comes at a crucial time as the Biden administration steps up scrutiny of BTC mining’s environmental impact.

By pledging to support Bitcoin miners and acknowledging campaign donations of BTC and other cryptocurrencies, Trump stands in direct opposition to current politics.

Amanda Fabiano, founder of Fabiano Consulting, emphasized the need for informed policy support to counter misinformation and false narratives surrounding the mining industry. Salman Khan, CFO of Marathon Digital, also emphasized the importance of bipartisan discussions for the future of the industry.

If Trump can garner enough support for his pro-crypto policies, it could be a major turning point for the crypto industry in the United States. Such momentum could not only strengthen the country’s energy infrastructure, but also position the United States as a global leader in Bitcoin.

Donald Trump’s commitment to the Bitcoin industry and his ambition to see the United States take ownership of the last available BTC represents a fascinating development in the American political and economic landscape. As Bitcoin continues to trade at high levels, this stance could significantly affect its price, even if it is now faltering.

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Evans S avatar

Evans S.

Fascinated by Bitcoin since 2017, Evariste continued to research the topic. If his first interest was trading, now he is actively trying to understand all the developments focused on cryptocurrencies. As an editor, he strives to consistently deliver high-quality work that reflects the state of the industry as a whole.


The comments and opinions expressed in this article are solely those of the author and should not be considered investment advice. Before making any investment decision, do your own research.

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